About Us
Our Story
Service Philosophy

Our History
Hill End Lodge provides accommodation that is filled with peace and tranquility. A sanctuary for artists and historians that’s rich in history and character. It’s in this picturesque backdrop you’ll find the comfy beds and welcoming fires of the Hill End Lodge.
The Hill End Lodge is the ideal retreat to get back to nature, indulge in fine food and wine or just unwind. In the late 1800’s, a discovery was made in the picturesque hillsides 60 km or so south of Mudgee; a discovery that would change this area forever. Gold!
Almost overnight, a thriving community established close to the source of the find. The name of that settlement was Hill End.
The sprawling gangs of miners are now nothing but a memory. The raucous laughter of miners ore-rich and whisky drunk no longer echo around the local pub. What remains, however, is a beauty beyond gold. A charm that radiates from the landscape, the burning sunsets and the hearty smiles of locals.
Who's Stayed Here Before
Over the years we’ve had a wide variety of groups & clubs stay at the Hill End lodge.
Why not take a look at a few of them?